Miscellaneous talks
Sunday morning talks that are not part of a series
170326 Mothering Sunday - The Motherhood of God - Sandy Parker
170319 Going back to go forward - Joan Carter
170312 Do you know who you are ? - Neal Swettenham
170305 What's the problem ? An introduction to emotionally healthy spirituality
Eluned Owen 170226 Heaven - Neal Swettenham
170219 Hell - Neal Swettenham
170212 The Day of Judgment - Neal Swettenham
170122 Real Life Adventures - Phil Johnson
Knowing God - Neal Swettenham
The threat from within- Helen Cliff
Facing Opposition- Neal Swettenham
21st Century Church- Steve Burnhope
Father to the fatherless- Neal Swettenham
Britain's got talent- Neal Swettenham
Reconciliation- Toby Foster
Getting better at listening to God- Neal Swettenham
Pilgrim's progress- Neal Swettenham
Signs and Wonders- Jit Patel
Surrender- Bernie Carter
The parable of the forgiving father- Colin Wood
Rules!– Vicky Sutton
God's gift to the world– Neal Swettenham
Resurrection– Neal Swettenham
Those who show up– Neal Swettenham
If you'd like to see the video that was shown as part of this talk, go to the Show Up page of Christians in Politics.
3rd May 2015
Come, grow, go– Neal Swettenham
12th April 2015
Good friendships– Eluned Owen
15th March 2015
Advent– Helen Cliff
7th December 2014
The Power of the Cross – Joan Carter
31 August 2014
Worship – Neal Swettenham
24th August 2014
Follow me – Neal Swettenham
4 May 2014
Small Groups – Jillyan Beadle
27 April 2014
Who'd be a mother? – Eluned Owen
30 March 2014
Make your mark – Neal Swettenham
23 February 2014
Trust in God – Phil Johnson
16 February 2014